Инновационное лечение болезни Паркинсона ультразвуком. Лечение основного тремора Инновационная технология для лечения болезни Паркинсона и основного тремора предполагает использование ультразвукового и точного инструмента, заменяющего скальпель хирурга. Сочетание ультразвука, направленного МРТ, позволяет лечить ткани мозга и способствует немедленному улучшению! Больше не надо разрезать или пилить кости черепа, вводить в черепную коробку инструменты или электроды, применять облучение или травмировать здоровую мозговую ткань.…
Que tratan en Centro Oftalmológico Barraquer А Agujero macular Alta miopía Amaurosis congénita de Leber Ambliopía u ojo vago Aniridia Anomalía de Peters Anomalías congénitas del nervio óptico Astigmatismo B Blefaroplastia Braquiterapia epiescleral Baja visión Blefaritis Blefaroespasmo Bolsas debajo de los ojos C Capsulotomía con YAG láser Cirugía de la alta miopía Cirugía de la catarata (facoemulsificación) Cirugía de la…
The duodeno-ileal SADI-Bypass in a sole anastomosis is a surgical option for patients with insufficient lost of weight after a Sleeve gastrectomy or as a sequential procedure in super obeses. It can be considered as a simplified intervention of Duodenal crossing providing the benefits of a bilio-pancreatic shift, the pyloric preservation and a simpler operation. The published good short and…
The Bilio-pancreatic shift with Duodenal Crossing (Switch), is a restrictive surgical procedure, with reduction of the gastric capacity, but above all it is malabsorptive, by reconducting the gastrointestinal ducts and diminishing the length of the small bowel. It is recommended for adult patients (18 to 65 years old) affected by Obesity type IV (above all in IMC > 55 kg/m2),…
The Gastric By-pass is a surgical procedure, through laparoscopic approach, that reduces the gastric capacity and additionally creates a slight malabsorption of the nutrients, obtaining an effective and long-lasting loss of weight. It is carried out in adult patients (18 to 65 years old) with Obesity type III (above all in IMC > 45 kg/m2) or Obesity type II associated…
The Vertical Gastrectomy (Sleeve Gastrectomy) is a surgical procedure, by means of laparoscopic techniques, consisting in reducing the gastric capacity to achieve the feeling of satiety with intakes lower than usual. It is indicated in 18 to 65 years old patients having Obesity type III (IMC > 40 kg/m2) or Obesity type II with greater comorbilities (high blood pressure, diabetes…
The Intragastric Balloon consists in introducing, by endoscopic route in the stomach, a soft silicone expansible and though balloon, which is filled with physiological saline and that is left freely floating within the gastric cavity entailing the feeling of fullness and satiety facilitating the follow-up of a set nutritional-dietetics pattern. The great value of the Intragastric Balloon or Gastric Balloon…
The Apollo method is a novel endoscopic intervention using an advanced System of Endoscopic Suture OverStitch of Apollo Endosurgery, for the treatment of Obesity. ServiDigest presently recommend two endoscopic interventions depending on the indication present for the patient: Gastric Endoscopic Sleeve It consists in reducing the stomach by endoscopic route by carrying out a series of sutures in the wall…
Barrett Oesophagus is one of the factors of risk directly related to the Oesophagus Adenocarcinoma. The risk of oesophagus cancer is clearly related to the level of dysplasia, although this incidence is very variable according to different studies. The Endoscopy Ablation with Radio-frequency is an effective and safe technique that can decrease the progression of dysplasia and adenocarcinoma in a…
It is a safe diagnose method, minimally invasive, well tolerated, effective and clinically tested. The digestive study by means of the Endoscopy Capsule from its start evolved very much with the most advanced technology of Given Imaging we have available at Clínica ServiDigest. The PillCam system increases the quality of the study by means of the optimal interaction between the…