What services do we offer?
Range of services:
- Translation of medical documentation
- Selection of a clinic and a specialist
- execution of the necessary for trip documents
- preparing a program of a stay and treatment in Barcelona
- reception at airport, transfer and hotel, apartment or villa of any comfort category check-in
- car rent and excursions organization
- an accompanying of interpreter for the whole period of stay and treatment in Barcelona
Modern medicine
Valenia Health Services
We are a service company organizing medical care to foreign patients in Barcelona.
Advisory support and full accompaniment of a patient during the course of treatment.
We cooperate with leading clinics of Barcelona, that are in the top of research-and-development centers in Europe
when you are in other country.
You pay only clinic’s bill. Possible additional costs are: simultaneous interpreter, transfer and other.
Visas, invitations
If necessary, we provide visa support and issue an invitation from the clinic for visa receiving
We are always available
We keep in touch with our patients after treatment and help them before, during and after their stay in Barcelona.
Professional’s help
How does it work?
Step 1
Call us, write an e-mail or fill out the contact form, and our employee will contact you.

Step 2
We may need additional information of your medical history. Please, submit us an epicrisis, test results and examinations.

Step 3
Received results, are translated by our employees and are sent for review into clinic to a relevant specialist.

Step 4
After receiving the answer from the clinic, we translate all documentation into Russian and send you an estimation on medical services with detailed description.

Step 5
A manager agrees your arrival date with the clinic. If necessary, a manager organizes transfer, accommodation or provides an interpreter.

Step 6
After diagnostics and treatment, all documentations and discharge epicrisis are translated and sent by post or checked out to patients.
Medical tourism becomes more popular in Spain. Work of specialist of the highest level is possible because of government support, and prices stay lower in comparison with other countries of West Europe. Spanish health care system is deemed to be the best in the world and according to WHO’s (World Health Organization) estimates takes the forth place by quality of medical services.
O ne of the Spain’s benefits is the amount of medical innovations, by which Spain takes the top place in the world. Scientific breakthroughs of Spanish medicals, application of ultramodern technologies and methods, unique technical equipment in clinics make Spain one of the most attractive countries for medical tourism.
Why is Barcelona?
About 16,000 of foreign patients came to Barcelona – the medical capital of Spain for medical treatment every year. The major part of patients are citizens of Great Britain, France, USA, Middle Eastern countries and Russia.
The best clinics of Spain, specialized on various branches of medicine are located in Barcelona. It gives an opportunity to have a complete physical examination with broad specialists, staying in one city. The largest research centers of Spain work here and world-class specialists receive patients in area of medicine as oculistics, carcinology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, pediatrics, gynecology and other.
Frontline medicine

20 clinics of Catalonia, most part of which are located in Barcelona, have an international accrediting JCI – the top rank medical certificate. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe and at the same time – the world medical center. The biggest advantage of Barcelona is the ability to combine medical treatment and rest in this fantastic city.
Valeniahs Health Service