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Нейрохирург, который произвел революцию в хирургии позвоночника, работая через брюшинную полость

Нейрохирург, который произвел революцию в хирургии позвоночника, работая через брюшинную полость

Доктор Пабло Клавель / Dr. Pablo Clavel – специалист в области хирургии позвоночника и директор Института нейрохирургии Клавеля/Instituto Clavel, расположенного в больнице Кирон Салюд/Quironsalud в Барселоне. Специализируясь в области нейрохирургии, Пабло Клавель защищает метод, который является менее инвазивным и сокращает время восстановления по сравнению с традиционными операциями. Доктор Клавель / Dr. Pablo Clavel – потомственный врач. Его отец тоже нейрохирург,…

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Robot-assisted extraperitoneal gynaecologic cancer surgery has fewer surgical complications

Robot-assisted extraperitoneal gynaecologic cancer surgery has fewer surgical complications

In recent years, minimally invasive surgery has found its way into many operating rooms, and gynaecologic cancer surgery is no exception. With robotic surgery, surgical complications are reduced and a better recovery of the patient is achieved. However, there are different possible approaches to perform these interventions. Now, for the first time, a study explores the differences between all of…

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Surgical treatment for intraocular tumours

Surgical treatment for intraocular tumours

WHAT DOES THE TREATMENT INVOLVE? It involves complete resection of a tumoral lesion located in the intraocular space. The advantage is that it completely removes the tumour and, in addition, it allows us to analyse its cell pattern in the laboratory, unlike other destructive techniques such as radiotherapy. These surgical procedures are highly specialised. WHAT ARE ITS INDICATIONS? Currently, due…

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Macular hole

Macular hole

WHAT IS IT? A macular hole is the name for the formation of a break in the centre of the retina, the area which call the macula. It usually occurs in people over the age of 50 and it is more common among women. It can be bilateral in 15% of individuals. Its diagnosis is clinical, i.e., viewing the back…

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Episcleral brachytherapy

Episcleral brachytherapy

WHAT DOES THE TREATMENT INVOLVE? The word brachytherapy comes from the Greek (“brachys”) which means “near”, and it is a type of local radiotherapy which allows the tumour to be treated with radiation from a source that is in contact with or even inside the affected organ. The most commonly used radioactive isotope is Iodine-125. In ophthalmology, the radioactive source…

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Vascular tumours of the retina

Vascular tumours of the retina

What are they? The retina is a sensitive tissue of the eye containing a multitude of blood vessels. These vessels may grow and proliferate anomalously, be it from birth or acquired, leading to different vascular tumours of the retina. TYPES There are four types: Capillary hemangioblastoma (which is occasionally associated with Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome). Cavernous hemangioma. Vasoproliferative proliferal tumours. Racemose…

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Команда доктора Антонио де Ласи – мировой лидер в области трансанальных операций

Команда доктора Антонио де Ласи – мировой лидер в области трансанальных операций

Хирургические методы постоянно развиваются и совершенствуются, что позволяет улучшать результаты лечения и минимизировать последствия операций. Для снижения негативных проявлений после хирургического вмешательства доктора стремятся, насколько возможно, сократить размер разрезов, а в идеале – использовать естественные отверстия в организме пациента. Методика Тотального трансанального мезоректального иссечения (TaTME), разработанная командой доктора Антонио де Ласи / Dr. Antonio de Lacy, главы службы хирургии желудочно-кишечного…

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Glaucoma drainage device implant surgery

Glaucoma drainage device implant surgery

WHAT DOES THE TREATMENT INVOLVE? It’s a surgical procedure for the treatment of glaucoma that involves inserting a tube to connect the intraocular tube with a device (that may or may not have a valve) located below the conjunctiva to drain the aqueous humour from the eye. WHEN IS THIS TREATMENT INDICATED? Generally, it is used for glaucoma where other…

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