gaf | Valenia Health Services - Часть 3

Author page: gaf

Dr. Bellmunt Cancer Institute

Dr. Bellmunt Cancer Institute
Dr. Bellmunt Cancer Institute Dr.Bellmunt’s Team has worked together in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer since 1997 for over 15 years. During this period, the team has pursuit scientific progress and innovation through the study, research and development of new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. The group offers a personalized attention based on optimizing the process of both diagnosis…

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Clínica Diagonal

Clínica Diagonal

Клиника “Диагональ” (Clínica Diagonal) — это современная, технически оснащённая клиника, по праву считающаяся одним из лучших медицинских центров Барселоны.

Благодаря постоянным инвестициям в технологии и преданности к поиску новых методов диагностики и лечения, Клиника “Диагональ” (Clínica Diagonal) в настоящее время является самой современной в стране.

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Barnaclinic Barnaclínic — is one of the best private clinics in Barcelona, which is a subdivision of the State University hospital Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Thus, Barnaclínic Grupo Hospital Clínic offers the advantages of both a private and public medical centre. This primarily means that the patients of Barnaclínic have access to world-class professionals whose qualifications are confirmed not only…

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Clinic Sagrada Familia

Clinic Sagrada Familia
Clinic Sagrada Familia Carrer de Torras i Pujalt, 1, 08022 Barcelona The largest private clinic in Barcelona, covers almost all the medical aspects and equipped with the latest equipment. The clinic provides 142 individual chambers, of which 10 are luxurious. Send a request for a clinic selection SpecialtiesOphthalmologyPlastic surgeryOncologyGynaecologyDigestionPaediatryOther Clicking the button below, you confirm your consent to the processing…

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ServiDigest Clinic. Medical and surgical center

ServiDigest Clinic. Medical and surgical center

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, METABOLISM, NUTRITION AND OBESITY Clínica ServiDigest is a Medical- surgical Centre comprised of a skilled team having high professional qualification and scientific training. It has facilities available equipped with the technologically most advanced medical and surgical instruments. During an over 40-year experience at the service of the patients health, they have offered a high quality, integral and personalised…

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Интервью с доктором Грасиелой Гарсия (радиационный онколог) о VisionRT и ПЛТ

Интервью с доктором Грасиелой Гарсия (радиационный онколог) о VisionRT и ПЛТ

La Dra. Graciela García, oncóloga radioterápica, ha explicado las ventajas de la SGRT (radioterapia guiada por superficie) con VisionRT para los tratamientos del cáncer en una entrevista a Cadena COPE. La Dra. García ha destacado la precisión submilimétrica de esta técnica, puesto que permite realizar un reposicionamiento del paciente guiándose por su superficie y el tratamiento se detiene en caso…

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