Instituto Maxilofacial | Valenia Health Services

Instituto Maxilofacial


The Maxillofacial Institute is one of the most innovative centres at international level in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Federico Hernández Alfaro and his team are university professors and opinion leaders in the specialty. They offer courses and conferences around the world and have published more than 100 scientific articles and several books defining protocols and surgical techniques in maxillofacial surgery.

The Maxillofacial Institute is located in the Teknon Medical Centre in Barcelona


  • 60,000 m2.
  • 300 individual rooms
  • Day Hospital
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • More than 300 professionals
  • Emergency service 24/7
  • 20 state-of-the-art operating theatres


  • More than 250 cases of orthofacial surgery a year successfully treated
  • One of the most innovative centres in oral and maxillofacial surgery internationally.
  • The most cutting edge treatments and the most modern technology



It is a surgical intervention aimed at correcting maxillofacial deformities in order to achieve the perfect balance of the patient’s facial features. At Maxillofacial Institute they proud themselves in the holistic approach they give to each case, focusing on the particular aesthetics of each face, rather than on standard facial archetypes. With more than 250 cases of orthofacial surgery a year successfully treated, they are a Worldwide Reference Center in this speciality.


At Maxillofacial Institute they are leaders in Implant Dentistry thanks to the continuous practice and research of their medical staff. Professor Hernández Alfaro and his team have developed new surgical protocols and designed techniques that have achieved a success rate – the survival of dental implants- of 98.5% As a multidisciplinary team, they are focused on the management of complex cases with lack of bone where placement of the implants constitutes a challenge. Maxillofacial surgeons at Maxillofacial Institute have designed and published numerous techniques to enable reconstruction of this severely compromised cases.


The specialists at the Maxillofacial Institute have for many years researched and developed different techniques for achieving facial harmony and symmetry in line with the universal standards of beauty. They offer several procedures to combat the first signs of ageing or to modify a facial feature that is not in harmony with the rest of the face. All of their treatments are minimally invasive, that is, they do not leave visible scars, and the postoperative period is short, comfortable and with minimal pain.


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) is a disorder consisting of ‘apnoeas’, or breathing pauses, during sleep. These obstructive apnoeas are mainly caused by the collapse of the upper airway walls. OSAS affects more than 25% of the population and has a significant impact on the quality of life of the sufferer, whose sleep is not restful and who may experience daytime fatigue and an increased risk of accidents. Moreover, the chronic reduction of the levels of oxygen in the blood increases the risk of systemic diseases such as high blood pressure or insulin resistance.


All of the specialists are university professors and have developed numerous

techniques and surgical protocols.

They teach courses and conferences worldwide and have published more than 100 scientific articles and several books defining protocols and surgical techniques in ortofacial or orthognathic surgery.



Prof. Hernández Alfaro is the most experienced surgeon in the treatment of maxillofacial deformities (Orthognathic Surgery) in Spain.

Together with his team he has developed and published numerous surgical techniques in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Federico Hernández Alfaro leads the team of the Maxillofacial Institute in Barcelona, at the same time that he combines his activity with his work as Professor of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery at the International University of Catalonia.

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