The Intragastric Balloon | Valenia Health Services

The Intragastric Balloon consists in introducing, by endoscopic route in the stomach, a soft silicone expansible and though balloon, which is filled with physiological saline and that is left freely floating within the gastric cavity entailing the feeling of fullness and satiety facilitating the follow-up of a set nutritional-dietetics pattern.

The great value of the Intragastric Balloon or Gastric Balloon is that it helps to regulate the intake amount, preventing eating too much and facilitating to follow a re-education of the nutritional habits and of the style of life, with the objective to acquire healthy dietetic and life habits that, in addition to achieve losing weight, facilitate keeping the lower weight after withdrawing the balloon.

The programme of follow-up and the motivation of the patient are essential to achieve the best results and it is supervised by the multidisciplinary team of specialists in digestive system-endoscopy, endocrinology, nutrition-dietetics and clinical psychology, of Clínica ServiDigest.

The great experience acquired, the safety and effectiveness of this procedure converted it in an endoscopic treatment recommended and of best choice.