Dr. Francesc Balaguer Prunés
Chief of Gastroenterology Service of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Specialist in Digestive System.
Dra. Marta Sitges Carreño
Cardiology, Sports cardiology, Heart valve diseases, Cardiac arrhythmias, Cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Dr. Jenaro Fernández-Valencia Laborde
Hip surgery, Fast-Track Surgery, Hip surgery with direct anterior access
Dr. Joaquim Enseñat Nora
Chief of Neurosurgery at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. Associate professor at the Universitat de Barcelona.
Dra. Enriqueta Felip
Professor Felip is in charge of thoracic malignancy management and is responsible for thoracic cancer trials undertaken by the Oncology Department.
Dr. Artur Diaz Carandell
Facial Aesthetic Surgery & Hair Restoration
Dr. Andrés Combalia Aleu
Titular professor at the Universitat de Barcelona
Dra. Aida Alejaldre Monforte
Specialits in Neurology, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and barnaclínic+
Dr. Josep Riba Ferret
Consultant of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and barnaclínic+
Dr. Sergi Sastre Solsona
Specialist in Traumatology, Orthopedic, Arthroscopic Surgery, Knee Surgery